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listening to the voice of the discriminated LGBTQ+ community

The aim of the project was to create a space where LGBTQ+ people and those interested in the rights of peopleLGBTQ+from Poland and Portugal could exchange knowledge and, in favorable conditions, talk about queerphobia that they experience or witness on a daily basis. As part of HAFTEN, two exhibitions have been prepared, dealing with the subject of queerphobic violence
and creating a communication strategy with the decision-makers to whom the project members wanted to present their situation and views.


During the exhibition, a series of 10 black and white, large-format portraits made with an analog camera was presented.Photographsprinted on silk, the faces of the portrayed were covered with colorful embroidery embroidered with silk thread. The heroes of the photographs are people from small Polish towns and villages, where they were discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. Each embroidery corresponds to the culture of the region in which the portrayed person was born and grew up. The work was created in cooperation with local embroiderers.

The title of the project is a German word - "haften", which means "to cling", from which the Polish verb was derived"embroider". This root word hides an ambiguity - embroidery is decorative and "violent" at the same time - it adheres strongly to the fabric, covers it, pierces it, covers it and imposes a pattern. In the "Haften" project, handicrafts practiced by small local communities are used to hide the true identity of the photographed models, who often have to wear a mask imposed by the local culture to avoid ostracism. The decision to step out is a risk not everyone can afford. 

At the exhibition, the photographs were accompanied by a text describing the experience of queerphobic violence and, as a counterbalance, fragments of queer utopia - descriptions of hopeful, friendly gestures and examples of supportive people who can be found in smaller towns.

He is the author of the photoBartosz Jakubowski

The project was co-organized with the Portuguese partner EduPlus and the patrons of the event were: Polish Consulate in Porto, Municipal Public Library in Radom

The project was created in cooperation with:
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​​Financed by EU funds. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author or authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA are responsible for them.

Project number: 2021-1-PL01-KA154-YOU-000020295, Erasmus+ KA154 Dialogue with decision makers 

Partners: EduPlus- Portugal

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